Meet Patrick

Welcome to Think Blue Tree!
I'm Patrick.

I’m passionate about helping people create lives they find fulfilling and meaningful while helping them with their problems and challenges.

When I’m not working with clients, you’ll find me diving into books reading and studying or spending time outdoors- my ultimate happy place! 


I’m a big fan of canyoning and alpine climbing, and I’m a specialist in a Canyon Search and Rescue team where we perform some of New Zealand’s most technical search and rescue jobs. I’ve also had the pleasure of guiding hundreds of amazing people in a large outdoor club I ran in Australia over many years, and this taught me a lot about how we all face and overcome anxiety, fear, and life’s challenges. Upon reflection, this is what truly started my passion for helping people and my interest in finding practical ways to help people function and create better lives.


In addition to my outdoor adventures, I’ve helped lead a crisis support group of over 600 incredible people. While it was a challenging experience, it taught me a lot about resilience and personal growth, and ultimately led me down a path of starting my own business to help people with their mental health and personal development.


Not immune to the human condition and the suffering that goes along with it, I’ve faced my own issues and challenges throughout life so I know how tough it can be. Asking for help can be so hard and we feel so vulnerable. When I went through that process myself long ago it was hindsight that allowed me to say I wished I had sought assistance earlier- we end up wasting so much time we will never get back simply for being too proud or stubborn, getting caught up and tangled in our minds, or just thinking things will be fine and ignoring them. Taking that first step can feel like climbing a mountain – it’s scary and intimidating- but it ends up being the best thing you’ll ever do. 


I have a diverse educational and professional background. In terms of formal training, I’ve completed training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and Existential Coaching, along with continuous ongoing training in various fields to make sure I stay up to date on the latest methods and ideas. I’m also a qualified Health Coach. Beyond formal studies, I’ve dedicated over a decade to self-studying disciplines such as psychology, philosophy and history, often through short courses and varied reading.

My life experience also spans a range of fields. I’ve worked in support groups, trades, sales, project management, 3D design, and music. Additionally, I’ve been involved in running clubs and hobby/interest groups in many communities and have had the opportunity to speak publicly at various events on many different topics. All these experiences have given me the ability to connect with people from all walks of life.

So, although this page is about me, what I really want is to know more about you. Lets see what we can do together to make your life better.

Ready to Start Your Transformation?

Ready to Start Your Transformation?

If you are ready to take the first step towards better mental health and personal growth, I’m here to help. Book your FREE Discovery Call to get started. We can go over all questions you have and we can get to know each other better and see if we are a good fit.